"Web is a social creation than a technical one. I designed the web for social purposes, namely helping people to be able to cooperate, and not for more experiment technical," as defined by Tim Berners-Lee, a first web designers, such as written In his book Weaving The Web in 1999.Clearly, that was when he first designed the web in 1990 by Berners-Lee, no purpose at all to commercialize the web. Even if eventually it becomes a commodity web contested by many parties, it seems justified, considering that one of the most popular Internet application is a web.
Even Microsoft and Netscape both have tried to create a de facto web standards. Fortunately, Berners-Lee and colleagues founded the World Wide Web Consortium (www.w3c.org) in October 1994. W3C managed to prevent the commercial take over the web. Now a variety of web standards, such as the version of Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) and the Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and eXtended Markup Language (XML) designed by the W3C built independently, without any pressure from anywhere.
The story begins when in March 1989, Berners-Lee, a British graduate of Oxford University, submitted a proposal concerning a hypertext-based system that allows physical scientists can share information efficiently and effectively. The proposal was given the title "HyperText and CERN". CERN is the name of the place Berners-Lee worked at the time, which stands for Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire, a research field of particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. At the end of 1990, a prototype web successfully run on a NeXT computer. At that time the web already contains a line-mode user interface called as www. The basic essence of a web has been born!
Then in May 1991, www interface begins to be installed at the CERN machine and can be accessed via the network. Then for the first time, exactly in August 1991, disseminated information on the web via a Usenet newsgroup in alt.hypertext and through newsletters CERN in December 1991. That's when the web and www start widely known, though still using the line-mode browser interface. To move from one page to another page, the user must type in commands.
One observer of the development of web and www is Marc Andreesen, a student of the University of Illinois, who liked tinkering with the hardware and software in the lab campus, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Then Andreesen and colleagues browser based on data from CERN. In February 1993 was born the browser graphical user interface (GUI) to the first. Information about the browser, called Mosaic, is immediately disseminated through newsgroups. Mosaic revolutionized the concept of a browser. Mosaic 1.0 was officially released in November 1993, by combining a variety of Internet applications like www, news, WAIS, e-mail and of course, the ability to display the image!
Even hyperlinks to move the page has been shaped in blue text that can click with the mouse. Mosaic was to go into commercial gait. In April 1994, Jim Clark, founder of Silicon Graphics, along with Andreseen founded Mosaic Communications Corporation, which later changed its name to Netscape Corporation. Furthermore, NCSA Mosaic was developed by a team minus Andreseen, while Netscape Netscape Corporation developed. At that time, the license source code for Mosaic, Spyglass is coded, can be held by other parties involved.
In December 1994, was born the first commercial browser, Netscape 1.0 from Netscape Corporation. Because realized that Netscape was born from the world of education, Netscape Corporation decided to distribute their commercial browser for free specifically for the education community. This strategy becomes an important key in the acquisition of Netscape's market share up to 80% in that era.
Microsoft at that time was fast asleep. IE 1.0 has just been released in August 1995, in the form of the Windows 95 Plus pack releases that are commercial, not free of charge. IE 1.0 is based on source code licensed Spyglass Mosaic. Bill Gates was thunderstruck when I realized that the development of the Internet so fast and so important, as important as personal computers (PCs) and operating system. People were avid Internet. At that time the browser is Netscape.
In a flash, Microsoft's Bill Gates to mobilize and get serious about developing IE. Finally, IE 3.0 was released in August 1996 to face to face with Netscape. Bill Gates does not want half-hearted, ranging from IE 3.0, all the IE browser is free at all and tied into the Windows operating system. That matter, which ultimately trigger the browser war, Microsoft antitrust trial and the collapse of the dynasty of Netscape. source: ITCwatch.